
Links: good addresses and friends


“L-Birds back to Normandy” events
L'école de pilotage sur avions de légende
Initial pilot training on Piper Cub
Italian Historical Aircraft Group
CAF Swiss wing and their Stinson L-5
VPAC: Vintage Piper Aircraft Association
French speaking Piper forum




NJ Création 
Aircraft Spruce: A reference
Piper parts
Nose art and pin-up 
Our favorite parts suppliers
Aircraft Spruce in Europe (UK)
Air Repair inc. specialist Cessna L-19
Wag-Aero:parts for Piper and replicas
The Cub Doctor Clyde Smith!
Aero Hydro:
Kit MDL engine starter for pour C65, VW, …


A reference
 Magazine Piloter

Logo Fana


Piper Cub, l'avion passion Piper Cub, l'avion passion, André Bréand

Piper Cub, l’avion passion, André Bréand


Lightplanes at war, Kenneth Wakefield

Lightplanes at War: U.S. Liaison Aircraft in Europe, 1947-47, Ken Wakefield

A great book on the seldom-told story of WWII liaison aircraft, known affectionately as “L-Birds” to military personnel. Along with an historical background explaining the multiple roles of these aircraft, you also get complete specifications for the most significant models including the Stinson L-1 and L-5, the Taylorcraft L-2 Grasshopper, the Aeronca L-3, the Piper L-4 and more… all the way up to the L-12. Carrier operations and unit histories are also included.


The Other Ninth Air Force: Ninth US Army Light Aircraft Operations in Europe 1944-45 Ken Wakefield

This book covers in detail the operations conducted by the light artillery aircraft of the Ninth US Army during the Second World War. It is a revealing and interesting insight into events of the time as recorded by an Artillery Air Officer in his daily journal.
The most comprehensive source to find an aircraft’s history, when you know her USAAF serial number.

The Fighting Grasshoppers

The Fighting Grasshoppers: US Liaison Aircraft Operations in Europe, 1942-1945, Ken Wakefield

A great book on the seldom-told story of WWII liaison aircraft, known affectionately as “L-Birds” to military personnel.
Along with an historical background explaining the multiple roles of these aircraft, you also get complete specifications for the most significant models including the Stinson L-1 and L-5, the Taylorcraft L-2 Grasshopper, the Aeronca L-3, the Piper L-4 and more… all the way up to the L-12.
Carrier operations and unit histories are also included.
One of the best books on the subject.

Box seat over hell

Box Seat Over Hell, Hardy D. Cannon with research by Bill straton

The True Story of America’s Liaison Pilots and their Light Planes in World War II. Tales of the courageous men and their romance with the sky, of men who flew in combat armed only with a pistol who attacked the enemy in aircraft made of tubing, wires, and fabric. Published by Alamo Liaison Squadron, written by Hardy D. Cannon.

L-Birds, American Combat Liaison Aircraft of World War II, Terry M. Love

A book on the seldom-told story of WWII liaison aircraft, known affectionately as “L-Birds” to military personnel. Along with an historical background explaining the multiple roles of these aircraft, you also get complete specifications for the most significant models including the Stinson L-1 and L-5, the Taylorcraft L-2 Grasshopper, the Aeronca L-3, the Piper L-4 and more… all the way up to the L-12. Carrier operations and unit histories are also included. 145 B&W photos, 10 color profiles and more.
Mostly interesting for a rich photo collection.

Find this book on Amazon.


Stinson L-5 Sentinel, Kuno Gross

In German.

Note: Since this book is primarily thought to create awareness of the two Stinson L-5 in Switzerland, the language is German. If there would be enough interest from potential English language readers, we would consider an English version consequentially. If there is an interest in an English version – please address to:

Order from Amazon.

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